Who doesn’t want to live forever? People always want to live with their loved ones. Everyone wants to know how to live forever. A lot of fictional stories are already told where humans try to find an immortal stone to achieve immortality. For the part of being immortal, many people worship different gods and try to complete a lot of tasks to please them. Even they committed brutal murders one after another in the name of sacrifice for god. History has witnessed thousands of such examples.
The question is why we die! A normal death is caused by the process of aging. Our body parts and their organism grow old and become weaker naturally. The biological time machine of our body begins to run down. The heart becomes weak after a couple of billion beats. Pain starts in different joints of the body. Brain malfunction, memory loss, blindness, spines curve become cancerous and bones begin to crumble. Body cells failed to renew themselves. But Is it important to renew themselves? Yes, cells are constantly breaking down and our body spends energy to fix them over time. When the body repairing system fails to produce energy to fix the damaged cells, then it will bring us death.
Summary point of how to live forever
If you want to know about how to live forever then you must consider a few important things. Living forever doesn’t mean that you have to find any kind of potion or medicine that helps to achieve immortality. Scientists and famous pharma companies are always looking for solutions to immortality. It’s a matter of fact that It will not be easy to get for general people Even if they invent the solutions. But there’s always another way to live forever. Try to gain a place in someone’s heart by doing something great. That’s how people never forget you.
Aging seems normal and inevitable actually, but scientists are still trying to figure out how to overcome this process. Telomeres, a lifespan timing device found in Human chromosomes. The idea is that there must be a relation between telomeres and our aging process but still, Scientists are not clear about that. They are researching and doing a lot of experiments on other mammals but may not be much help to a human to hang around a bit longer.
Dr. Ian Pearson, known as Futurologist demands that there may be a couple of ways of how to live forever for those who make it to the year 2050. He says that there are some people who have interest in living forever and they believe improving tech can help them realize their dreams. He mentions some methods which may give us some ideas about the process of living forever.
Replacement of Damaged Organ
Renewing body parts can be a good option for replacing damaged cells or important organs of the human body. Scientist around the world keeps working on creating humans organs using 3D technology which has living sales. So, people don’t need to depend on human organ donors. As gene engineering continues to evolve, human cloning may be a way to overcome the problem but human cloning is already banned in some countries (approximately 46 countries).
How to live forever in Android Bodies
This method seems a bit complicated. Dr. Pearson thinks this is a way where we can extend our lives differently in robots. “A long time before we get to fix our bodies and rejuvenate it every time we feel like, we’ll be able to link our minds to the machine world so well, we’ll effectively be living in the cloud,” he explains about how to live forever. “The mind will basically be in the cloud, and be able to use any android that you feel like to inhabit the real world.”
In near future (2050), we might able to hire an android linking with clouds like a car or real state and just upload consciousness into it.
How to live forever in a Virtual World
When we are talking about android robots, you might be thinking if we upload our mind in clouds then why would we need to use robots or robotic bodies? Probably we don’t need to use the robots because we may live in a computer simulation quite happily according to futurologist. Our brain is nothing more than a bunch of electric signals. So, scientists can try to enter the whole brain in a simulated computer. It is kind of like computer games on modern hardware. But still, they don’t have the capability to scan the whole human brain and upload or use it as a simulator. But after 30 years from today, technology will be more improved and hopefully, that’s going to happen.
This is the 20th century and life expectancy is now increasing everywhere. People from the developed world and developing world now ask to know whether life could be extended because they already get appropriate sanitation, nutrition, medical care, education, and have a decent lifestyle. Living forever with your own family is now a big dream. But 2050 is still far away from us. There is actually no logic to wait for living forever technology. Why? Because even if it is invented in 2050, it will not be practical for general people. So, It is very ridiculous to sit back and wait for it.
So, knowing how to live a long and healthy life helps you to go one step further on the terms of “Living Forever”. Physical and mental health, both must have to be well balanced or functioned in a person. Cause they are closely linked so that a change in one directly affects the other.
Taking Control
The average newborn expectancy is now to reach 80 years in the United States where It was only under 50 years at the beginning of the 20th century. It has been possible because of advanced public health and healthy lifestyles. Many people think that aging depends fully on what kind of genes you carry. It is a matter of fact that it is a cause of being old but you have your own power to change things. That’s why we are talking about here “taking control” of yourself. You have to look after yourself and your families that influences your health and how long you live. We are trying to focus on some steps to have the longest and healthiest life possible:
- Healthy Eating (Diet and Nutrition)
- Physical Activity and Exercise
- Mental Health
- Avoid Smoking and Excessive Alcohol Consumption
- Avoid Other High-Risk Behaviors
Healthy Eating (Diet and Nutrition)
Eating food is essential for the growth and maintenance of our body but nutrition requirements for infants, children, teenagers, adults, and seniors are not the same. As an example, we can mention that an infant may require feeding every 4 hours. They are not capable of taking solid foods like other age groups.
So, here are some tips for you:
- Always try to take three healthy meals a day. Don’t eat too much at dinner.
- Healthy food should be eaten at all times, such as – vegetables, fruits, fat-free or low-fat milk products, etc.
- You can add meat, poultry, fish, beans, nuts, and eggs to your healthy diet chart.
- Choose foods carefully to live forever.
- Eat the smallest portion that can satisfy hunger. Don’t eat too much or don’t take excessive foods.
- Try to avoid Sodas and sugar-enhanced drinks.
- Vegetables and fruits should be washed before eating. Use safe water to wash.
- Harmful bacteria and other pathogens are destroyed above 165 F. So, try to take cooked foods. Avoid eating raw meats of any type.
Physical Activity and Exercise
Regular physical activity and exercise help to stay away from chronic diseases. It is a major contribution to a healthy lifestyle. Poor health may foster disease development. Obesity, weakness, lack of endurance manifested by unhealthy living.
- Regular exercise can prevent and reverse age-related problems, improve balance, flexibility, and decreases the risk of falls in the elderly.
- Weight burning exercise can also help by building bone strength. It can control body weight and burn excessive fat.
- Heart diseases, diabetics, stroke, obesity can prevent by regular exercise.
- 30 minutes of walking will give you a great benefit if you make a routine for yourself.
- You can re-schedule your excise charts if you need to. Even now, there are a lot of trainers are available in cities and towns. Just browse the internet, you can easily get your local trainers contact.
- You don’t have to work very hard on the first day to exercise. Proceed slowly. Follow the instructions that you have. You will find a lot of helpful health instructions on websites, video channels, etc.
- Children always need physical exercise. Please, do not keep them in the room. Let them play outside of the home.
- Sports for children is a great opportunity for exercise. It will help them to develop and refresh their mind also.
Mental Health
Healthy living involves emotional or mental health more than physical health. There are some ways people can support their mental health and well-being. If you ask me how to live forever I will say take care of your mental health as a first step to achieve it.
- Get enough sleep daily.
- Join a group. Don’t hide, express yourself to the world. Spend more time talking with people. Share your feelings and thoughts. Try to take everything and everybody positively.
- Do some mental exercise. You can play puzzles or take part in a lot of quizzes on the web.
- Reading books and informative articles will help to increase your ability to think more and precisely.
- If you are on depression or feeling stressed, seek help and advice from your friends. You find a lot of helpful communities on the internet. They are always ready to help you when you need them. Don’t Ignore it.
- Don’t need to stop taking prescribed medicines, suddenly. Always try to keep in communication with your doctors.
Avoid Smoking and Excessive Alcohol Consumption
A report says that more than 16 million US citizens are living with diseases caused by smoking. Smoking causes death diseases such as cancer, stroke, diabetes, lung, and heart diseases, which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. It is a known cause of erectile dysfunction in males. We want to notify you that on average, chain smokers die 10 years earlier than non-smokers. Excessive alcohol consumption can bring death to a mature human being. 1.2 tablespoons or 14.0 grams of pure alcohol is a standard drink for mature, in the USA. But always remember that excessive drinking alcohol causes short and long-term health risks.
Avoid Other High-Risk Behaviors
- Do not drive while sleep- deprived.
- Try to avoid reckless driving and speeding and taking phone calls while driving.
- Wear a helmet and safety gear before riding a motorcycle and bicycle. These can keep safe you from serious injuries.
- Do not keep firearms and guns or ammunition without proper training.
- Do not smoke in bed. It can lead to burning injury and painful death.
- Always try to have a safe sex relationship with your partner and make sure of your partner’s health status.
Good Deeds Live Forever
Encourage yourself to do social work while living a long life. We all have some responsibilities to our own society, to the people of the world. It is difficult to give time to others where people already live very busy lives in their daily routines. Still, some social work should be done as much as possible. If you work for the betterment of the people, your name will take place in the hearts of the people. They will remember you forever. Now you know how to live forever.
Living forever might sound great, the consequences are also meaningful. For one, it would be expensive. It shouldn’t be surprising that most of the rich people want to talk seriously about longevity or immortality. Very few probably will be able to afford it, others will not. So, do you think that immortality further exacerbates the historic gap between wealthy and poor?

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