We are all very health conscious. Because, we know that when you become overweight, you will have many physical problems. So it is very important to reduce excess fat to stay healthy. There are lots of obesity prevention strategies also many reasons to increase health. But we are going to discuss the effective ones. Let’s know the reasons first.
Causes Of Obesity
Sedentary lifestyle:
Laziness is one of the reasons for increasing health. People who live a busy life and work all day are less healthy than others. If we don’t work out the calories in our body like food, then calories are accumulated and excess fat is created.
Genetic factors:
There is a possibility of obesity due to genetic reasons. If your family members are obese then it is normal for you to be obese too. Scientists claim there is a relationship with the gene.
Hormonal problems:
Excess weight gain due to hormonal problems. Hormonal imbalances cause a variety of diseases. The most well-known is poly-cystic ovary syndrome. This disease causes weight gain in a few days. Hypothyroidism results in weight gain. This disease is caused due to hormonal problems.
Less sleep:
A little sleep helps people gain weight. Many people think that less sleep makes people sicker, but doctors say that less sleep increases a person’s obesity. Regular sleep should be 6-7 hours, if one sleeps less than this, then 2.5 percent more fat is accumulated than normal people.
Environmental influences and eating habits:
Obesity depends not only on lifestyle but also on the environment. For example, variations in space and weather are associated with increased and decreased human fat.
Again, overeating is one of the major causes of obesity. Irregular diet leads to rapid increase in human health. Energy drinks, alcohol, soft drinks, fast food, etc. increase the risk of obesity. Obesity can also occur due to side effects of some medications.
House dust can increase weight:
House dust can increase weight, according to a recent US study. Researchers say the house should be kept clean regularly. This information was recently published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology. According to scientists, dust usually contains chemicals that are capable of changing hormones. So that rapid changes in the body’s cells can occur which can help increase fat.
Excessive TV watching:
Excessive TV watching can lead to weight gain as we usually lose no calories while sitting or lying down while watching TV. Lying down should be reduced and physical exertion should be increased.
Lack of food discipline:
Eating late at night, that is, if you are full during sleep increases body fat. Not eating one meal a day increases the amount of body fat, researchers say so. Because, then the level of metabolism in the body decreases and appetite increases which is one of the reasons why people become fat.
Problems caused by obesity
Obesity means having an extra risky burden. Overweight results in various diseases of the body and mind. Let’s find out today what problems may occur.

The effects of obesity
Diabetes is more common in obese people than in all other people. The complex problems of diabetes will show up in fat people than in normal people. Accumulation of fat hinders the contractile expansion of abdominal and leg muscles. This can lead to hernia.
Excess weight often results in varicose veins in the legs veins. This can cause pain in the spine, waist and knees. Gallstones are more likely to collect in the accumulation of fat. Obese people are more at risk of dying from cancer.
Weight gain can lead to problems such as constipation. Excess body fat interferes with digestion. Excess fat deposits increase cholesterol levels, which can lead to brain damage. Which can lead to memory loss. Migraine can cause headache pain. Excess fat can lead to fungal infections in multiple parts of the body, from excessive sweating. There is also a problem with movement. Outwardly obese people are not very good-looking.
Moreover, nasal congestion, sleep apnea and other diseases are more common and there is also difficulty in breathing. It can cause excessive fatigue in the body and oversleep problems. Can cause mouthwash and shortness of breath and hypoglycemia. When excess fat accumulates in the body, the fat accumulates in the blood vessels along with other parts of the body, leading to an increase in the number of heart attacks and strokes. Excess weight is considered to be one of the causes of hypertension and risk of arthritis increases.
Moreover, excess weight erodes the joints of the bones. There is a decrease in sexual desire. In addition, overweight men may lose sperm and women may experience menstrual irregularities. Obese human are more likely to get uterine prostate and colon cancer. Excess fat can reduce life expectancy.
Health problems and things to do in hot weather
Excess fat naturally increases body heat, so it’s not hard to guess what their condition is during the heat. Among the many problems we will discuss some of the problems and what to do.
Heat stroke:
Excessive heat increases the risk of heat stroke in obese people compared to normal people. Heatstroke is a life-threatening physical condition. As a result, the body temperature control system becomes ineffective. Heatstroke can occur only when the temperature inside the body becomes excessive. Obese people’s body temperature is higher even in normal weather. So it is understood that the tendency to have a heat stroke in summer is much high for them.
Heat Syncope:
Excessive heat causes dehydration due to sweating, sudden decrease in blood pressure and loss of consciousness is known as Heat Syncope. People with excess body fat are more prone to this disease than normal people. In addition, sweating in the heat causes muscle spasms with severe pain, especially in overweight people. This is called heat cramps and it also puts obese people at risk.
Obese people sweat more and have more skin diseases. For example, itching or fungal infections. Many people get infected by scratching the affected area. Excessive itching after a red rash on the skin can be a problem.
Asthma problems:
Excessive sweating in the heat can lead to colds, coughs, etc., which increase the difficulty of breathing in people with asthma. And also obese people have high blood pressure.
Obese people suffer from dehydration due to excessive sweating in the heat. As a result, obese people are more dehydrated than normal people.
Things to do in the heat:
Drink plenty of water:
Excess fat due to heat causes them to sweat a lot so there are many problems so they should drink extra water. Moreover, fruit juice, coconut water, etc. can be drunk.
Avoid the sun:
There is a huge amount of heat outside in the summer and the movement outside is unbearable. So try to avoid hot sun and stay as cool and cool as possible to avoid heatstroke.
Keep sterile:
Obese people must try to keep their bodies germ-free to survive fungi and various skin diseases. Learn to use soap, hand-wash, sanitary ware etc. in a proper way.
Be careful with food:
Nutritious food should be eaten with moderation. Try to stay away from fast food. Oil fried foods should be avoided.
The less you sweat, the better. Many people think that sweating means burning of fat, but according to experts, sweating does not mean it.
A study of about 17000 patients of Covid-19 hospitalized in the United States found that obese people are more prone to Coronavirus. According to the state’s National Health Services Electronic Record, obese people are at higher risk of dying from Covid-19. Also, if their diabetic or have heart problems, then there is no question. Studies with complex patients in the ICU have found that a maximum number of patients were over-weighed.
A study in Italy found that the risk of Coronavirus is higher if you have complex health problems. Being overweight means that the body is not completely fit. Lack of fitness means low lung function meaning problems with blood circulation. Fitness is one of a obesity prevention strategies.
Navid Sattar, a professor at the University of Glasgow, says being overweight increases the body’s need for oxygen, which puts the body under a lot of stress. This is why overweight people need more breathing support than normal overweight people in ICU s. Learn more about Coronavirus.
Problems with hospital treatment:
People who are overweight have many problems getting ventilators into their bodies. And to cause problems when scanning. Physicians also have many problems with lying down to help overweight patients breathe. Obesity increases the respiratory problem for Covid-19 patients.
Excess weight reduces immunity:
Our strongest resource in the fight against the Coronavirus is immunity. Such immunity decreases with weight gain. Resistance to this virus is likely to be inactive in obese people. This is the sad story for the obese people at this current pandemic.
The possibility of embolization is increased:
Having obesity increase the risk of embolization. They are at risk of rapid deterioration if they are affected by Coronavirus. Embolization means that a lump of fat floating in the blood gets stuck in an artery. This results in reduced blood flow to the patient’s heart and lungs. If this happens, the patient’s chances of death are increased. Problems are more likely for fat people than thin.
Cytokine Storm:
You will be terrified to hear that if you are overweight, it’s started. Our body’s secretory leukocytes secrete replicated cytokines to prevent infections. Which causes the type of storm to start in the body. It’s called Cytokine Storm. The Covid-19 patient’s condition then quickly becomes serious. Obese people are more likely to have this storm. So it is clear that obesity is a big threat to life.
Obesity prevention strategies
First of all, remember that it is not possible to lose weight fast or quickly. Try with regular patience.
Be aware of food:
Eat moderate food to keep weight limited. Don’t eat high calorie foods. Eat low calorie food. Fast food and outside food should be avoided. The daily meal list should contain fibrous foods, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Sugar and sweet foods should be avoided. In a word, weight increasing foods should be avoided. Moreover, drinking water in large quantities is a very good way to reduce fat. Drinking light hot water in particular is extremely beneficial to reduce belly fat.
Exercise and physical exertion:
Avoid the life of laziness. Work hard and exercise regularly if you don’t have any work on hand. This is a very effective method. You have to go to the gym two to three times a week at least. If you don’t want to go out, exercise inside your room.
Get enough sleep:
A healthy person needs at least 6 hours of sleep. As a rule, sleep for 6 hours but never sleep during the day. Try to go to bed between 9pm and 10pm. Adequate sleep at night is very beneficial mentally and physically for a obesity prevention strategies.
Food discipline:
Do not eat food quickly, chew it well and eat it slowly. As a result, your stomach will take it properly. If you eat quickly, you may eat more food than you need which will bring you fat. Drink a glass of water before meals. You have to finish every dinner early. If you eat at night and go to bed, there is a risk of getting fat. Studies have shown that if you drink four cups of green tea a day, it is possible to lose extra calories. Green tea contains a lot of antioxidants that will help us maintain our body weight.
Hormonal problems:
Consult a doctor if you have hormonal problems. In many cases weight gain is due to hormonal problems, in which case a doctor’s advice should be taken and work according to the doctor’s advice.
Stay clean:
You may be surprised to hear that one of the causes of obesity is dust at home. So keep your home clean and dust free always.
The breakfast:
Many people do not eat it in the morning to lose fat, never do it. Metabolism increases when you are not eating your breakfast regularly. This is why breakfast is very important.
Try to avoid mental stress. Cortisol hormone increases while you are in stress which is responsible for the increment of your sudden hunger. It helps to reduce metabolism and increase fat.
Follow these steps and remain fit. Fitness is a beauty of life. Don’t let it go. Use these obesity prevention strategies.

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