Define your life aim, set a course and go.
- Introduction
- Middle-Class Crisis
- Homeless during pandemic
- Government Support and COVID-19 Pandemic
- How will a Middle-class family survive during COVID -19?
- Don’t Spend Money on Unnecessary Stuff
- Emergency Fund
- Learn New Skills
- Support System
- How to Help Homeless People during COVID-19
- Keep in touch with Government Officials
- Raise Awareness
- Donation and Fundraising
- Conclusion
COVID-19 situation, this worldwide pandemic has thrown almost all the countries of the world in a great disaster. No one knows the 100% accurate way of how the homeless survive Corona downturn. There is no single country or nation to show that is free from the grip of the coronavirus. This Coronavirus keeps continuing its spread across the world. More than 1.5 million deaths and 70 million cases are confirmed in 190 countries.
The worldwide pandemic has an effect on our lives socially, medically, politically and economically. The global health crisis caused by Covid-19 has hit the US economy hard, although the economy is slowly recovering.
Photo: Coronavirus Effect (death number)
It is easy to get a picture of our unfortunate situation if we just try to look out – What was our life like before the pandemic and now what the situation of our life is in this pandemic crisis, especially economically. When a crisis comes, there are actually two types of people you may notice. Those who have preparation for any kind of trouble or crisis and others who have not. Prepared people always have some reserves and it is absolutely a far better idea than those who cannot take any kind of these safety steps. How little has been done to get ready for this or any other crisis. It is the most striking thing in the U.S. right now.
People’s debt is now higher than at any other time, principally in middle class and poor struggling families. Read also how the income inequality is growing.
Middle Class Crisis
Sometimes govt. thinks about how the homeless survive but there is no one to think about middle-class. Middle class faces the greatest threat of this pandemic situation. A question circulating in magazines and social online platforms – Is middle class shrinking? And the answer is – Yes, a huge number of Americans, probably millions of them have lost jobs during the pandemic.
Photo: Middle Class Crisis
Public institutions, shops, restaurants and other important stores closed for months. As an example, the Travel Industry was severely damage from this pandemic. Most of the middle class families are in big debt. The burden of debt is always borne by the middle class family but It didn’t present a major problem before in this pandemic, coronavirus. There are a few jobs in the job market which is very little compared to the demand. People are looking for work, but no one is getting anything. Housing debt, student loan, auto loan, credit card and other’s debt – one by one is now becoming a burden to middle class families. How the homeless survive this downtown this is a question to ask but this is also important to know that middle classes are becoming homeless day by day.
How the homeless survive and their situation
So far we have been discussing middle class families but have we ever wondered how these homeless people survive in economic downturn. One of the scary things is that many people from middle class families are now being homeless. The current situation of pandemic does not pose equal risks to all parts of society. People experiencing homelessness may be more vulnerable to transmitting risks in a homeless accommodation settings.
UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission reports that people who live on the streets have too many health risks and have suffered negative consequences from the great lock down measures, the worst economic downturn. They lost their restricted access to food because Some NGOs cannot properly function their tasks. The stations and cafes have left them without access to toilet facilities or allowed to drink water! Most of the homeless people are very much dependent on these. Hunger and thirst have been the biggest and main problems for homeless people since the beginning of lock down. Volunteers and NGOs are now facing problems to distribute food and assistance because of transportation failures. As a result, Volunteers can’t do anything they want. The situation is very uneven and no one knows how the homeless survive.
Government Support and COVID-19 Pandemic
The authorities should bring a task force to help homeless people in homelessness across the region. Local authorities in the region must have to be active and take steps for potential rough sleepers throughout the crisis in the regions. Task force can use the lessons learned from the pandemic in future if any kind of downturn comes again. Here we are trying to mention some steps which the appropriate authority must take into consideration.
- Develop and raise a fund for a temporary Rent Support Scheme for those persons who have either lost jobs or have been working on low incomes.
- Affordability. Increase grant rates and house building that is truly affordable.
- Delay Evictions during the pandemic lock down situations.
- If it is possible to extend the length of Housing First Support to landlords then it will promote confidence in them and they are also eager to help these homeless people.
- Government housing should increase to eliminate homelessness and food and medical treatment should be provided at state expense.
The Federal Govt. has already lowered interest rates and tried to take steps to keep credit flowing. But it will require fiscal measures. Middle-class families are the backbone of the economy. This group of society must survive. If they survive, they will do anything to survive their business. That’s why getting money into the hands of the middle-class is important. A record says that consumer spending is 70 percent of GDP. People can’t buy furniture or cars or anything much beyond necessities when they don’t have a job, when they are already in a debt! If the govt. doesn’t look after the middle class then in a short period of time they have to look at them as homeless and how will they survive with their new ex-middle-class families.
An infusion of cash is essential to support both families and the economy through this pandemic but this is not only needed. The repayment of credit cards, student loans, mortgage payments and others should defer from the creditors. Those who are self-employed and small businesses especially need this kind of economical help. So, they may simply pass bankruptcy and undermine ability to pay over the long term. Some opportunistic people take the advantage of such forbearance to cheat the system but, the debts will be repaid by the vast majority.
The Middle- class is on the front lines of this crisis and they are required to balance their budgets and should not be allowed to borrow unlimited amounts. Medical expenditures are now top priority for all. So, the fed govt. should take proper steps to ensure there are medical facilities for middle-class families. But in doing so much, if authorities have to cut spending or increase revenue then it will not be of any use. Rather the economic downturn will worsen.
How will Middle class family survive during COVID -19
So, at a time like this, we should personally remember and think about what is important in life. Let’s show an example – Doctors, surgeons are always in control in the Operation Theater. Sometimes a patient’s life and death decisions depend on their hands, right? They always try to make the right decisions. Now is the time we also should take the same control of our own personal lives and try to make deliberate and sensible decisions. Emotions should not be allowed to make our choices. This is not the right time to make emotional decisions. Before making any purchase take a look at how the homeless survive you will learn so many things.
Now, hold on and take a deep breath and try to read this article attentively. This article may be a guide to help you to prioritize and organize your unique situation. This article contains some specific and concrete points that you should discuss with your spouse or partner. You can talk about it with anyone else in your life who is or will be more important to you. Your financial advisor, accountant or your attorney can give you more suggestions about these matters.
Don’t spend money on unnecessary stuff.
Overspending is a habit of spending more money than one can afford. Nowadays spending money is a common problem because credit is now very easy to use. Most of the people don’t know how to stop spending money on unnecessary stuff. They don’t realize that they are already spending more than their needs. Others are heard, that “I spent too much money on other stuff. How can I pay the rent? ” Then they plan to do something suicidal to get rid of this problem. This is absolutely not okay and one should not follow this path.
Try to learn how to not spend money on unnecessary stuff for that visit how the homeless survive it will make you cry and you will thank the Almighty for what you have. Millions of common people are facing financial crises due to the pandemic. Maybe you are lucky, your finances are mostly intact but you should alert yourself and don’t take your position for granted. Try to be wise with your money because you don’t know what will come tomorrow. Anything can happen and you could lose it all anytime.
Difference between wants and needs is very important to know. No one wants to have to take a taste of what it’s like to starve and eat just ketchup and mustard out of containers. Learn to fight the temptation of unnecessary spending.
Emergency Fund
None of us can say exactly what will happen in the future. So, isn’t It important to have an emergency fund for any unexpected crisis? The great lock down has forced everyone to spend money from savings. A contingency plan in place is also required. Try to be five steps ahead, so you don’t get caught off guard. Your emergency fund will save you from medical emergencies, student loan or bank loan emergencies, paying in debt, getting eviction etc. No matter how much you earn, try to save something in your emergency fund. Saving is not easy for most. Maybe you have to support a big family or maybe you are already in big debt. Whatever the situation is, try to do everything in your power with honesty and make sure you have your emergency fund always ready.
Learn New Skills
High unemployment is increasing day by day. Finding a job is too tough now in this pandemic corona time. People are now being forced to migrate their jobs. The work they are used to doing might not be in demand right now. If you are on the same page as them, this isn’t time to refuse any kind of jobs you think you are too overqualified for.
Photo: (course advertisement)
Learning new skills may help you create a new chapter in your life. Spend some time learning new skills. You may find a lot of institutions to take your training in your local area. There are a lot of organizations on the internet that are offering a variety of free and paid courses for your practical life. You will be able to earn some coins as well as reduce your own expenses by learning these new skills. What should I learn? – remains a question, right?
Take a look at – video editing, designing, virtual production, programming, web development, digital literacy, written communication etc. There are tons of free videos on – how to cook, how to make a website, how to earn, how to exercise and so on. Expanding knowledge and skill base is more important than choice during the recession. Learn new skills and be aware of how the homeless survive so that you could spend your time efficiently to make your choices.
During the recession, the earning members of middle class families may lose their jobs or be forced to shut down their growing business. Many of them don’t want to join the jobs which are overqualified for them. But ego, should be put aside, try to take any kind of odd job. Savings from a little earnings can also help you to turn it around. There is no way to give up hope.
Support System
During the pandemic, people are getting frustrated and battle with severe depression. Life changes will take a toll on mental health. Anxiety and stress will worsen. It isn’t easy to turn them off. Probably medication and a doctor’s advice can help move from these pains. But if there is support in life, then it is possible to keep the thoughts right in any difficult time. Remember that people who fell into hard times, they always deserve support. It can be mentally and financially. People should all stand in a line in this crisis time and try to help each other. Your friends and family extend a helping hand on the day of your distress. So, maintain a healthy relationship with everyone.
Photo: Happy Face/ Friends and Family
Take care of your health as much as possible. In this time of crisis, the price of almost everything has gone up, along with the medical expenses. And if someone gets sick during this recession time, he will have to bear a huge amount of medical expenses which is not desirable in this pandemic situation. Health routines are essential to maintaining mental health. If you need help, don’t sit quietly. Get help, It may come through virtual therapy or talking to someone you trust.
How to help Homeless People during COVID-19
Now you must know what duty you have towards the scattered and homeless people. This is a moment for everybody who is able to help people who need it and join together for a great purpose. Spend some time to know how the homeless survive. Three ways you can help the homeless during pandemic, COVID -19 downturn situation.
Keep in touch with Government Officials
The governments of every nation are taking the necessary steps to save their citizens. So, always give effort to interact with elected officials in the area to make sure everyone is benefiting. Everyone has a right to stay safe and stable affordable housing in their community. The two govt. organizations, National Low Income Housing Coalition and National Alliance to End Homelessness publishes a report to say that their regular action alerts to ensure any kind of federal response for homelessness and COVID-19 contains resources for housing. Elected officials also can play a role in medical emergencies for homeless people. So, always provide correct information to them and work with them in an attitude of cooperation.
Raise Awareness of how the homeless survive
Social media or virtual world has never been so powerful before. It is now a strong tool for mobilizing people around a cause. You can easily share your help plan with your friends and family and tell them to share and spread it more. People want to know how they can participate and join with you in your great cause. People love to hear and see stories of kindness and goodness. It will promote them to help more people. So, always share your good activities and current situation on homelessness in your local area and how the homeless survive in your area.
Photo: Donation Related
Donation and Fundraising
Shelters are on the front-line of the pandemic, COVID-19 crisis. We already know, doctors and medical specialists suggest us to maintain “Stay-at-home” order but It becomes very ridiculous for those who do not have a house to live in. Although it is a very difficult matter, workers of many NGOs are trying to confirm that everyone has a roof over their head. So, give an effort to give donations and fundraising in the community to help these homeless people. Get in contact with them and realize what they need. Many of them are just looking for fresh water to drink, some foods to eat and want some plain cash to pay their debts. It is important to remember that helping the most vulnerable people in community is a worthwhile goal. With determination and kindness, it is not hard to get through this pandemic together.
The economic threat to middle-class incomes and assets can be temporary. When handled correctly. The economic condition will likely rebound strongly once the immediate crisis is past. Demand for services and goods will create a huge of new spending, creating jobs and higher incomes. People face a brighter economic future again when they are able to repay their debts. The authorities need to ensure employers provide paid sick leave to more workers. Just not for spreading the COVID-19 virus but also other viruses. It will be the one way to reduce the contagion of all virus diseases.
- WSJ.

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