The world of a decade ago and the world of today is not the same, it has changed a lot. People’s thinking and consciousness change over time. The definition of work has also changed in the age of information and communication technology with the help of remote work and four day work week.
The type of human work is constantly changing. Employees of corporate offices no longer have to rush from one desk to another with documents, just by emailing the necessary data. With the help of the internet, official work can be done anywhere.
Remote work
Remote work is a way of working with the help of digital technology outside the traditional workplace. It is based on the idea that no specific space is required for a job to be performed successfully. As a result of technological advancement, work can be done without being physically present in the workplace.
The U.S. government approved the remote work about 30 years ago. Believe it or not, remote work was introduced in the 1980s. Although it was not so popular then. Currently, remote work is on the rise. Working remotely is now becoming mainstream.
How do people work remotely?
There are many ways to work remotely. It depends on a worker’s accommodation, communication system and work environment. Remote workers perform the task successfully by staying in a convenient location. Internet-based tasks can be easily done from anywhere. With the help of modern technology, remote workers transform their bedrooms into corporate offices.
And that is the beauty of remote work.
Advantages of remote work for employers
The demand for remote work has been increasing for decades. According to the digital workplace group, the number of people working remotely has increased by 115% in the last decade. And they predict that 40% of the population will be involved in remote work in the next decade.
Remote work is also convenient for both the employer and the employee.
(1) Employees are more grateful
Those who work remotely are more grateful to the company. Because working from a convenient place makes them feel stress-free. Good comments from employers after completing a task further accelerate their work. Employees receive everything they need via email, which reduces the wastage of employers’ time.
(2) The optimal mental health of employees
Every company wants their employees to be in good mental health. Because if the employees are not mentally healthy, it will affect the production of the company. Good mental health is important for every employee. Remote workers get the freedom to work from the place of their choice. So they don’t feel the pressure of the workplace.
Which helps them stay mentally healthy. And when the workplace pressure decreases, performance automatically increases.
(3) Increased productivity
Remote workers determine a place in the home that is comfortable for him. So this is a much more productive environment than the office, which in turn increases the company’s productivity. Although many employers are concerned about whether there is a work environment at home and concerned about the potential lack of productivity, but the truth is the opposite. Working from home increases production even more.
In some workplaces, for example, in the technology industry, workers work together through virtual groups. For this reason, remote work is more popular in IT industry.
(4) More work in less time
Since remote workers have the opportunity to work from their suitable environment, so they can work more in less time. Remote employees also have better physical and mental health than office workers, so they don’t get tired even if they work more.
(5) Lower salaries
Remote workers do not incur travel costs, tiffing costs, and official attire costs so they can also work for lower wages. A remote worker can be hired under a lower salary than usual.
(6) Cost-saving
Since remote workers work from home, the cost to the company is much lower. The company has to spend on office workers but not for remote workers. Since remote workers work from home, the cost to the company is much lower. The company has to spend on office workers but not for remote workers. So the overall cost of the company is saved in a huge number.
(7) Savings on equipment
Remote workers work with their own computers and other necessary equipment. So there is no cost to the office. The company does not have to worry about the equipment used by remote workers. Also no office space is required for remote workers.
Advantages of remote working for employees
The advantages of remote working for workers include the liberty to choose. Working with family on the side can be helpful. So both body and mind are good.
(1) Working independently
The biggest advantage of remote work is the opportunity to work independently. You can enjoy the pleasure of working by staying there as you wish. No one feels tired when work is done with pleasure. Working at home is more enjoyable than working at the traditional office.
(2) Cost-effective
Working at home reduces extra costs. Working at home reduces the cost of traveling and the cost of official attire.
(3) Working with pleasure
Remote employees are happier than office workers. Office workers feels too much stress which makes it impossible to work happily.
(4) Time-saving
Working from home does not waste the time of remote employees.
Suppose the last time an office worker arrives at the office is 8 in the morning, then he has to wake up and get ready to go to the office, make a journey, and so on. It will cost him time. On the other hand, working from home has no chance of wasting the time of a remote worker.
(5) Live with family
Remote workers can spend time with family. Due to which a remote worker does not feel the pressure of work. And at the same time, the relationship with the family member is improved. Which further increases the speed of work.
(6) Better physical and mental health
Last year, a study conducted among office workers and remote workers found that remote workers were physically and mentally healthier than office workers. Having the right environment and family means that remote workers have both good health and mental health.
Future of remote work
Currently, remote work has become a trend. The world’s largest companies are hiring remote workers. Companies are increasingly hiring remote workers to reduce their costs and increase productivity. Nowadays everything is digital. In this digital world, people are becoming more and more dependent on technology.
Without specified office space and a lot of companies are building around just remote work. Remote work is gaining more and more popularity. The future of remote work is bright.
Four day work week in New Zealand
In many countries around the world, including the United States, where one or two days a week is like a weekend holiday, New Zealand’s Perpetual Guardian staff are given three days off a week. And as a result, the company had unimaginable success.
According to a New York Times report, the Perpetual Guardian has been experimenting with “one week four working days” since last March. This method was introduced for two months The company’s production increased. With great success, the company has now decided to use four days a week permanently.
Researchers found that 240 employees of Perpetual Guardian after the launch of the project of four working days, most of the workers felt happier than before. Now, are also able to strike a balance between personal and career. It is very important to keep a balance between work and life when working four days a week .
Jared Hare, a professor in the department of Human Resource Management at Auckland University of Science and Technology, said anyone can work with equal focus at home and in the office. So adequate leave is very necessary for any person working four days a week.
New Zealand has decided to have four days a week to encourage domestic tourism to overcome the coronavirus disaster. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has decided to take three holidays a week to boost domestic tourism and balance work and life. Many have suggested reducing weekdays and increasing public holidays to boost the economy.
Four days a week is ultimately a win-win matter for employer companies and employees to decide.

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